Will you help us keep our goat hurd safe, warm (or cool) and dry?
Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm is one of the few places in New Hampshire where visitors can experience the state’s agricultural heritage by interacting with the historic landscape and meet livestock up close and personal in their traditional habitat. With the generosity of donors like you, we will ensure the continuation of this meaningful endeavor for years to come.
During NH Gives 2024 (June 11–12, 2024), we sought $10,000 to construct three custom-built shelters for our Nubian goat herd. These structures will replace aging, deteriorating structures that have outlived their usefulness and are unsafe for continued shelter. Our total project cost is estimated to be $19,000. With the addition of pending funds from other sources, through the NH Gives 2024 fundraiser we looked to raise $10,000 to help us cover the remaining costs. We fell far short.
Over the coming months, we will construct three distinct units that will provide safe huddling spaces for the goats to avoid summer heat and rainy weather. The small structure, perfectly sized for goat kids, will be moveable, while the two larger structures — appropriate for older goats — will be anchored in place for structural integrity and durability.
Although the NH Gives 2024 fundraiser has ended, you can donate to this effort by contacting Remick executive director Cara Sutherland: (603) 323-7591 | email.
The goat herd is integral to the visitor experience at Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm. These fun-loving animals serve as “greeters” to the property and enthusiastically engage with visitors of all generations. With your contribution, we will provide better guardianship for these four-legged friends.