
Healthful, farm-fresh experiences for all generations.
(603) 323-7591

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Interactive, educational programming on the grounds of a historic farmstead.


Remick Homeschool



Our schoolroom is an entire historic farmstead!
Created and led by Program Manager/Educator Jim Cruickshank, our homeschool programming primarily takes place outdoors and incorporates agriculture, history, nature, science and/or math.

  • Classes are season-based and feature discovery through the senses and hands-on activities.
  • Group interaction and discussion encourage a deeper understanding of each subject.
  • Except for our history-based lessons, classes primarily take place outdoors in rain, snow or shine: participants should be dressed for the day’s weather and farm conditions underfoot.
  • This is not a drop-off program: caretakers should be prepared to be with the group and are encouraged to participate.
  • Class size is limited and may be impacted by the class topic; early registration is encouraged.

Cost (1 student & 1 caregiver): $12 total | $10 total for members
Additional students and caregivers: $5 each
Designed for students ages 5 and above.
Pre-registration is required by the Friday before each class date; we cannot accommodate walk-ins.
Call (603) 323-7591 to register.

Registration & Cancellation Policies 

Non-registration inquiries may be emailed to program manager Jim Cruickshank.


JANUARY 22 | Map It Out!
Where are we going? Participants will learn how to use maps to better know how to navigate. Historic maps will be used to connect Remick history to this process, and at the end of the lesson our learners can create their own map! This is an indoor program. Registration ends at 3 p.m., Friday, January 17.

FEBRUARY 26 | The Tamworth Trail
What was traveling like in the late 1700s? Participants will learn what travel was like during this time period, while plotting a course to Tamworth — perhaps like the Remick’s did when they moved here! Previously gained map skills and problem solving will help participants decide what they should bring on their “journey” as work their way through a fun traveling scenario. This is an indoor program. Registration ends at 3 p.m., Friday, February 21.

MARCH 19 | Winter Tree ID
How can we tell trees apart without their leaves? Participants will learn different ways we can identify trees during the winter months, practice these new skills using field guides, and observe what’s happening as we transition from winter to spring! Registration ends at 3 p.m., Friday, March 14.

Spring class details coming soon!
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